Chorizo Eggs Benedict

Chorizo Eggs Benedict
Recipe type: Breakfast
Cuisine: American
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About a year ago, we went to a local brunch establishment, The Granary, in Lakewood Ranch. While there, I discovered one of my new favorite breakfast dishes. I would look for excuses to go back there whenever we could. When we were out for brunch other places, I would try to talk the wait staff and kitchen crew into making it for me there, if I saw they had dishes on the menu with all the requisite ingredients. I finally decided I need to learn to make it at home. I hadn't poached eggs in years (like childhood - almost burned the house down trying to make poached eggs out of hardboiled eggs after Easter). I decided what better way to make poached eggs than Sous Vide. Texture and consistency was perfect, but really just not worth an hour for two poached eggs. I then switched to more traditional methods that cut the cook time down to about five minutes. That is completely acceptable. Then my struggle was the hollandaise sauce. I got the flavor right but the consistency lacked. Presentation was horrible as the sauce would completely melt and run off the second it touched the eggs. I got some tips from Chef Doug on the preparation and I finally have a complete product.
  • 2 Large or Extra Large Eggs
  • 1 English Muffin
  • Chorizo Sausage
  • Hollandaise Sauce
  • 3 Egg Yolks
  • ¼ Cup Water
  • 2 Tbs Fresh Lemon Juice
  • ½ Cup Cold Butter, cut into 8 pieces
  • ¼ Tsp Kosher Salt
  • ⅛ Tsp Smoked Paprika
  • Dash of White Pepper
  1. Prepare your chorizo sausage in advance according to instructions and set aside
  2. Poach your eggs using your favorite method, to your desired doneness
  3. While your eggs are poaching, prepare your Hollandaise Sauce
  4. Separate the egg yolks and discard the whites
  5. Add egg yolks to medium sauce pan
  6. Add ¼ cup of water
  7. Add 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
  8. Whisk ingredients together until smooth and egg mixture lemon yellow in color
  9. Cook over a very low heat, stirring constantly until the mixture bubbles around the edges (not to be confused with the bubbles you get from whisking)
  10. Cook a little longer than you think you need to further set the eggs (tip from Chef Doug)
  11. Stir in the cold butter, one piece at a time, until all the butter is melted and the sauce is thickened
  12. Remove from heat immediately
  13. Whisk in salt, paprika and white pepper
  14. Assemble your Eggs Benedict
  15. Split and toast your English Muffin
  16. Remove from toaster and butter both halves
  17. Spoon two tablespoons of chorizo sausage on each half
  18. Carefully transfer poached eggs from cooking vessel onto each half
  19. Drizzle Hollandaise Sauce over each egg and serve


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