Meatballs in Sauce


Meatballs in Sauce
Recipe type: Appetizer
Cuisine: American
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
  • Bag Italian Meatballs
  • Heinz Chile Sauce
  • Grape Jelly
  • May use some Apple Juice if needed to thin
  1. Buy a bag of Italian Meatballs at Sam’s or Publix, etc.
  2. Put Meatballs in 5 or 6 qt. pan with equal amounts of Chile Sauce (Like 3 bottles) with equal ounces of Grape Jelly).
  3. If you need more sauce to cover, add more Chile Sauce and Grape Jelly.
  4. If needed, add Apple Juice to thin.
  5. Mix well and bring to boil.
  6. Simmer for 30 minutes or until flavors are blended (May take longer with meatballs frozen).
  7. Put in crock pot on low or warm to serve and keep hot.


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